The New York Times
Modern Love
“A FEW days before I was dumped, I sat in the campus library. It was the eve of my first chemistry exam that semester. Under the dusty lights of the reading room, I was supposed to be studying. Instead, I stared at the cracked screen of my cellphone, waiting for a call.
Scattered across the table were my textbooks, laptop, pencils and two stacks of index cards. One stack had the names and definitions of the seemingly endless number of organic compounds I had to memorize. The other tackled more complicated material: my love life…”
There are defining moments in everyone’s career. My publication in Modern Love came, frankly, when I wasn’t sure if I had what it took to be a writer. Then suddenly, I was connected to millions of readers–an amazing feeling. The experience reminded me of what writer’s do: examine the connective tissues of the world, speak with an honest voice and show others they are not alone. Truly, it was an incredible gift.
Read here, though you may not want to date me after.
Role: Columnist